Q4 2022 Project Update
Thank you for visiting our website regarding DHL Supply Chain’s proposals to develop Land North of Bell Plantation at Towcester.
Since unveiling our initial proposals, the project team has been working to further improve the plans, which now include a host of significant new benefits in addition to those previously outlined as part of our ongoing engagement process.
In brief, the additional benefits of our proposals now include:
- Major highways investment to improve the functional capacity, particularly at the Tove Roundabout for the benefit of all users and to fully accommodate the development with no impact
- The lowering of the buildings to reduce their impact on the local landscape
- The substantial improvement of the landscape planting around the site, with the delivery of a more mature landscape scheme in phase 1 of the development
- The use of pioneering architectural design, using carefully chosen colours which will help the development to blend into its natural surroundings and
- The incorporation of successful workplace travel initiatives to control HGV movements and encourage sustainable means of transport.
These positive responses result in a scheme that fully meets the aspirations of the adopted Development Plan, is in accordance with the principles of the emerging Employment Allocations SPD, and will deliver a best-in-class exemplar development on the northern approach into Towcester.
You can view more details about our latest proposals by clicking the button below, or the tab at the top of this page marked ‘Q4 2022 Project Update’